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What is the DCMS rural gigabit voucher scheme?

As part of their plan to increase gigabit-capable coverage across the UK, the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) provides funding to help with the cost of installing full fibre broadband in rural communities.

We're proud to be a registered supplier of the DCMS voucher scheme, delivering our ultrafast, full fibre services across towns and villages that are often missed from commercial network builds.

Submitting your application

It's as easy as 1, 2, 3. Follow these easy steps:

Step 1: Check you're eligible

You can check that your address is eligible on the DCMS website.

Step 2: Read the legal stuff

Make sure you've read and understood the important information below. Any questions, just get in touch.

Step 3: Complete your application

Fill in our form, then hit submit. That's it! You're done.

Important information about your application

Before completing the application form, please ensure you have read and understood the information below. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to give us a call on 0800 240 4038 or drop us an email at

You should complete this application form if you wish to apply to the Gigabit Voucher Scheme operated by the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (the “DCMS”).

This rural voucher scheme is open to residents whose home address is identified as a rural premise under the Rural Gigabit Connectivity (RGC) programme as determined by the DCMS. Applicants can apply for funding in the form of a voucher for the one-off installation costs and associated survey and equipment costs involved in acquiring a new and better broadband connection (the “Voucher”).

The legal stuff

On this page there are references to various terms and conditions. These terms and a link to where they can be found are as follows:

What happens if my application is accepted?

Upon acceptance of your application for a Voucher, You will be required to place an order for Lightstream Services. Your order for Lightstream Services will be subject to our Universal Conditions for Residential Services. In the event of any conflict between the Terms and Conditions and the Special Conditions, and the Universal Conditions for Residential Services, the Terms and Conditions and the Special Conditions shall prevail.

After your order for Lightstream services is placed you’ll receive a bill for the full cost of your new service. However, we will apply the Voucher amount as a credit to your account. You will only need to pay the balance of any charges. If you have any questions, please contact us.

IMPORTANT: Please note that if you do not confirm to the DCMS that your service has been successfully installed in accordance with Clause 5 of the Special Terms, KCOM reserve the right to seek payment from you of an equivalent value to the Voucher.

Please see the scheme Terms and Conditions and the Special Conditions for more information.

Voucher application form

Remember, if you've got any questions give us a call on 0800 240 4038, or email us at

Section 1: Your information

This section should be completed by the person who will also become the KCOM account holder, so that all details match.

If you're not sure, please use Ofcom's speed checker available at to determine the current download speeds available at your address. Please enter your answer as a number, e.g. "10".

Section 2: Eligibility Declaration

You must receive download speeds of less than 100Mbps to be eligible to apply for a Voucher.

Your new connection speed must reach:

• At least double your existing speed if your current speed is less than 50Mbps

• At least 100Mbps if your current speed is more than 50Mbps

Your postcode must be in a rural area (please see

Section 3: Declaration

Please read the declaration carefully, then sign and date below.

• I have read and understood the full Terms and Conditions

• I understand that by completing this application form I am authorising KCOM to submit the application for a Voucher to the DCMS and accept the Terms and Conditions on my behalf

• I understand that if I am offered a connection Voucher I will need to abide by the Terms and Conditions

• I confirm that I am currently receiving download speeds of less than 100Mbps and that I do not already have a connection which is already gigabit capable.

Neither KCOM, the DCMS nor their staff can be liable for loss resulting from action taken on the basis of general information provided. This application form does not constitute any form of contract. The completion and submission of this form does not guarantee an offer of funding from the DCMS.

You acknowledge that if you give us any incorrect information in respect of the Scheme, you may be required to repay the value of any Voucher given to you. You will co-operate and assist us with any related investigations.

You acknowledge that the Special Terms and Conditions set out at the bottom of this page will apply as additional terms to your contract with KCOM for the delivery of the Services you are applying to use the Voucher with.

We will pass on your personal data (e.g. contact details such as name, address and email) to the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport for the purpose of promoting the Scheme, to check the process is being followed and to verify your service is up and running, to make payments and process grants, they may also contact you to ensure that you're happy with everything .Any personal data provided by you shall be used in accordance with the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport privacy statement located at

KCOM takes privacy seriously. The personal data we collect, the way in which we will collect it and how we use that personal data will depend on the reason for which we have gathered it in the first place. For more information on how we will use personal data, please view our privacy notice.

  • Special Terms and Conditions

    These Special Terms and Conditions will apply to your contract (the “Contract”) with KCOM for the delivery of Lightstream Services (the “Voucher Services”) you are applying to use your Voucher with (the “Voucher”).

    These Special Terms and Conditions shall take precedence over any conflicting terms in our Universal Conditions of Service.

    The Special Terms and Conditions are as follows;

    1. You agree that the information You have provided to Us in connection with Your application for a Voucher may be passed to and used by the DCMS and third parties as part of the Voucher scheme for the purposes of promoting any such scheme, making any related payments and processing any related grants. Any personal data provided by you shall be used in accordance with DCMS’s privacy statement located at
    2. You warrant, represent and undertake to Us that all of the information You have provided to Us in connection with Your application for a Voucher (including the information set out in any application form) is truthful, accurate and complete. You will co-operate with Us, the DCMS and relevant third parties in respect of any investigations made by Us, the DCMS or other third parties in connection with Your application for a Voucher. If You have provided any such information that is untruthful, inaccurate or incomplete, You may be required to re-pay the value of any Voucher you have received to either Us or the DCMS. In these circumstances, You will still be obliged to continue to take the Voucher Service for any unexpired part of its Initial Term.
    3. We will submit an application for a Voucher on your behalf to the DCMS. The DCMS shall send an email to the email address you have provided in Section 1 of this application form seeking your agreement to the application. You must respond to the email request from DCMS within 28 days or your application for a Voucher may be cancelled. DCMS may at its discretion carry out (or appoint a third party to carry out on behalf of DCMS) a site audit visit before any Voucher can be issued. You will respond to DCMS without delay or assist Us in arranging a site visit as soon as possible. DCMS may also be required to carry out pre and or post installation checks, You will promptly assist with any request. 
    4. If Your application for a Voucher is declined or rejected by the DCMS for any reason, We will contact You to ask if You wish to continue with the Contract without a Voucher. You will then be entitled to either;
      1. confirm that You wish to continue with the Contract, in which case You will continue to be bound by the Contract and will be liable to pay any installation costs and associated survey and equipment costs; or
      2. cancel the Contract, in which case the Contract will terminate and You will not be obliged to pay any Charges.
      3. We will then write to You to confirm the choice You have made.
    5. Payment of the Voucher will be made directly to us and not to you. The Voucher will be used to meet the installation costs and associated survey and equipment costs involved in delivering the Lightstream services to you. For the avoidance of doubt, you shall not receive any monies in respect of the Voucher and no cash alternatives shall be offered to you. We shall notify DCMS when your connection has been delivered. DCMS will contact you to confirm that your service has been installed before issuing a Voucher to Us. You will be required to make a declaration that the new service has been installed and is performing as expected. You must respond to the requests from DCMS within 28 days or your voucher may be cancelled. If the Voucher is cancelled we reserve the right to seek payment from you of an equivalent value to the Voucher. In addition to any other standard cancellation charges that are set out in our Universal Conditions for Residential Services.
    6. You agree to provide reasonable information and assistance to the DCMS to support the promotion of the Gigabit Voucher Scheme, including providing information for a case study and taking part in any scheme evaluation surveys.