- Moving Home: Please read the curated guide and find the form to help you make a smooth transition to your new home.
- How do I know if KCOM are calling me: KCOM will call you from this number (01482 293879) when asking you to complete your Copper-to-Fibre migration
Quick Guides
Most of our customers find that the guides we have curated contain what they are looking for and is really helpful.
- My first bill is higher than I expected
- Moving home
- Guide to setting up your eero
- Understanding your bill
- How do I change to paperless billing
- How do I check or setup my KCOM email?
- How do I change my email password?
- Broadband Troubleshooter
- I've lost my Internet connection, what do I do?
- How do I change my wireless channel?
Opening Hours
Flex Sales
37 Carr Ln, Hull, HU1 3RE
Sign language interpreter
Did you know that we’re able to offer British Sign Language interpreters through the InterpretersLive! Service? It’s available Monday to Friday, between 8am and 8pm, and between 9am and 6pm Saturday and Sunday. If an interpreter isn’t available straight away, you can hold or retry the call later.
Find out more about InterpretersLive!