Whether you're an individual looking to educate your friends and family on the benefits of full fibre broadband, or a group looking to gain the support of residents in your local area, we will be there to help every step of the way.
As well as offering useful advice on how to spread the word about KCOM full fibre and our work in the community, we can also provide you with assets to use across social media and other digital channels.
Request personalised assets
To take your campaign to the next level, we can provide you with personalised digital assets to use in newsletters, emails, social media posts and more. Simply fill in the form below, then we'll get in touch using the contact details provided to discuss your request in more detail before preparing and sending your assets.
KCOM takes privacy seriously. The personal data we collect, the way in which we will collect it and how we use that personal data will depend on the reason for which we have gathered it in the first place. For more information on how we will use personal data, please view our privacy notice.
See also...

KCOM in the community
Wherever we take our full fibre network, we bring our community spirit with us. From working with local schools to inspire youngsters, to awarding grants to groups which help make life better for local communities, we're committed to making your area a better place to live, work and invest.
If you'd like to spread the word about our work in the community, you can download and share this information by clicking the link below.
View and download document
Become a Community Champion
If you're an individual who's passionate about bringing Lightstream full fibre to your local community, we will work with you to make it happen. Find out how becoming a Community Champion can help take your broadband campaign to the next level.
Become a Community Champion