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What is the DCMS Gigabit Broadband Voucher Scheme?

DCMS Gigabit Broadband Voucher Scheme logo

The Rural Gigabit Broadband Voucher Scheme aims to increase gigabit-capable coverage across the UK. In other words, the goal is to bring fast, reliable broadband to rural communities that often miss out.

The scheme provides eligible areas across the UK with vouchers to help with the installation costs of bringing gigabit connectivity to people’s homes and businesses.

Who is eligible?

The Gigabit Broadband Voucher Scheme is available to rural households and small businesses who meet the following criteria:

  • Are currently unable to receive broadband speeds over 100Mbps (gigabit capable)
  • Are not part of an existing government-funded scheme, and are not likely to be in the near future
  • Are part of a ‘project’ (e.g. two or more properties)
  • Are a ‘rural’ property as defined by DeFRA
Enter your postcode to check if you're eligible

How does the Gigabit Broadband Voucher Scheme work?

Businesses or residents that are eligible for gigabit vouchers can access the scheme through KCOM in two ways:

  1. KCOM will proactively work with communities with no current access to full fibre services;
  2. Communities or projects of two or more properties can speak directly to KCOM and discuss how we can work together to bring full fibre services to you.

Below you can see the step-by-step process that each voucher recipient will go through to activate their voucher:

  • Step 1

    Communities or projects register their interest in the voucher scheme and work to drive registrations in their area.

  • Step 2

    With enough demand from your area, we'll look at delivering full fibre to your community.

  • Step 3:

    We'll get in touch individually to check that you agree to our terms and conditions regarding the voucher scheme.

  • Step 4

    Congratulations, you're connected! We'll let the DCMS know that the hard bit is done. 

  • Step 5

    The DCMS will check with you by email that your service is up and running.

  • Step 6

    The DCMS will sometimes make further checks to ensure that you're happy with everything.

  • Step 7

    All done! Use your new connection to work, stream and surf across multiple devices at the same time.

    I'm interested - what should I do?

    We are already partnering with the DCMS to deliver ultrafast, full fibre services across East Yorkshire and North Lincolnshire. If you live in this area, your first step is to check if we are already in your community by visiting our availability page.

    However, we also want to hear from anyone in the region that meets the scheme’s criteria, and wants the benefits. Providing there’s enough demand, we’ll work with your local community or project to deliver a service to you.

    There are a few ways you can get involved:

    Register your interest

    Be the first to know when KCOM full fibre becomes available to buy and receive regular updates in the weeks leading up to your area launching.

    Register now

    Become a Community Champion

    Looking to speed up the process? Become a Broadband Champion and help us drive registrations in your area, so that we can come there sooner.

    Find out more

    Case studies

    Find out how we worked with one community to bring Lightstream full fibre broadband to the rural village of Bishop Burton, East Yorkshire.

    Read our case studies

    Read more