KCOM Grants support local heritage, sustainability and youth groups

KCOM has announced the latest five winners of its Community Grants.
The groups will now all benefit from grants of up to £1,000 to help improve lives in their local communities.
The winners are: Hull’s Bull Nose Heritage Charity, Hessle Road network, CASE Training, Beverley Repair Café and First Goole Scout Group.
Hull-based charity CASE, which supports vulnerable adults with learning disabilities by providing training and independent living skills, will use its £500 grant to support its horticulture project – GROW. The money will pay for a raised bed to grow vegetables and plants which will provide work experience for CASE members.
A spokesperson for CASE said: “We’re overwhelmed. This will make a huge difference to the lives of so many students who attend CASE. As with many other local charities, the last two years have had a financial impact and this is much needed support from the local business community.”
Beverley Repair Café, which aims to repair broken items to reduce the amount sent to landfill while improving people's financial and mental wellbeing, says it will use it £500 grant to invest in tools and equipment which their menders use in their workshop.
A spokesperson for the group said: “Our group of talented, skilled, volunteers at Beverley Repair Café are absolutely thrilled to know that our offer of service can be maintained and is secure. It’s fantastic to know that a lack of funding does not stand in our way, in our mission to help people to be more eco-friendly and to reduce landfill waste, and also preserve special items which hold great sentimental or practical value to the owner.”

The Bullnose Heritage Group will use their grant to buy a scanner that will enable them to digitise and preserve slides and negatives of rare photographs of Hull trawlers and various views of the Humber fishing industry, most of which have never been seen by the public before.
First Goole Scout Group, an entirely volunteer-run group which supports 80 local young people, will use its £1,000 grant to a new set of folding tables, which will help the group run educational and fun activities
A spokesperson for the Scout group said: “Thank you so much for your contribution to help young people of Goole grow and develop their skills for life.”
Finally, Hessle Road network will use its £500 grant to buy some “much needed” outdoor practical and comfortable garden furniture for use in its community allotment area.
The charity supports young people aged from nine to 25 and offers engagement programmes for the wider community. Every year it works with between 500-700 local people offering a broad range of services.
The group said: “The furniture will be a real boost for the service users and young people who attend. The furniture will make the allotment area a much more useable space for the groups and encourage less able and confident gardeners to participate and feel included within the outdoor activities.”
- To see if a KCOM Community Grant can benefit your group click here