KCOM reaches milestone 150 wholesale partners as customer numbers soar
KCOM Wholesale & Networks has announced it has reached the landmark figure of 150 wholesale partners providing services over its full fibre network.
The Hull-based network provider has also announced that the number of customers using services provided by other Internet Service Providers (ISPs) over it award-winning fibre infrastructure has increased by 60 per cent to more than 5,000 in the past 12 months.
KCOM CEO Tim Shaw, said: “KCOM Wholesale provides a great platform for other ISPs to sell their services across Hull, East Yorkshire and North Lincolnshire, giving a greater range of choice to the end consumer. I’m delighted to see our wholesale business is going from strength to strength and constantly bringing onboard new partners to make this happen.
“This shows how, by working together with resellers, everyone can benefit – from our partners accessing our world class infrastructure, to their end customers who receive great products delivered over one of the best networks in the UK. Among the partners using our network is everyone from quality local ISPs to national, household-name, telecoms giants.
“And the fact that the numbers of customers using services delivered by our partners has increased by 60 per cent in a single year shows there’s a huge demand for different services from alternative providers creating choice and competition in the market.”
Last year KCOM’s £100m full fibre network expansion, which now reaches more than 300,000 properties across the region, was named Telecoms Project of the Year at the National Technology Awards.
Last month the company’s work helping communities across Hull, East Yorkshire and North Lincolnshire was also recognised at the Better Society Awards with the Commitment To The Local Community Award.
For more details about KCOM Wholesale and Networks visit www.kcom.com/wholesale