KCOM unveils SIX more Community Grants

Six brilliant local projects have benefitted from the latest KCOM Community Grants, including a women’s refuge, a local secondary school and a clothing bank run by volunteers.
KCOM’s community grants programme donates cash sums of up to £1,000 to community groups, charities and volunteer organisations offering lifechanging help and support to people across Hull, East Yorkshire and North Lincolnshire.
The latest winning organisations are Parks Academy, The Hub School, Hull Sisters, Fare Share Hull and Humber, Kelvin Hall Secondary School and The Peel Project. The funds they have been awarded will allow them to continue providing support to vulnerable people in the local area, as many groups struggle with the cost-of-living crisis.
Louise Babych, KCOM Community Partner, said: “It’s amazing to see the work that all these organisations do to improve lives on a daily basis, and we’re delighted to be able to support them with the KCOM Community Grant.
“Money is tight in many households in our area and beyond, and for some people these services can be a lifeline when they’re really struggling. It’s invaluable work that makes a massive difference to thousands of peoples’ quality of life.”
Grants of up to £1,000 each are awarded every two months and are available to any charity or community group with the KCOM area of Hull, East Yorkshire and North Lincolnshire. The window for applications is always open and the only criteria for entry is that each entrant must work to improve the quality of life for people within their area.
Some of the groups we helped this time include:
Hull Sisters
We’ve awarded £1,000 to Hull Sisters, to enable them to purchase several laptops. This organisation is a women’s refuge and the devices will be used for digital inclusion, job applications and seeking support. Hull Sisters provides a safe place for women where they can nurture relationships in a way that feels comfortable and a private space that makes them feel empowered.
Sonia Jalal from Hull Sisters said: “This grant will fund new equipment for the IT classes we hold at our centre. We will now be able to help even more Black and minority ethnic women improve their digital skills to support their job-seeking efforts.
“We rely heavily on generous donations from the public to provide the much-needed essentials our clients and their children require such as clothing, food and hygiene products. For our clients, this new equipment will make such a difference in their lives. We are thankful to have been chosen as a KCOM grant recipient and for your support of our work.”
FareShare Hull and Humber
We’re providing FareShare Hull and Humber with a grant of £1000 to purchase PPE for volunteers on the This Ability Programme who will be volunteering in the community pantry based at the FareShare warehouse, serving members of the public and other volunteers with surplus food.
These volunteers have learning and physical disabilities that may restrict them seeking or gaining employment. FareShare believes that giving these volunteers the opportunity to gain valuable skills in customer service and retail will break down some of the restrictions.
Dave Ellis from FareShare Hull and Humber said: “Once again, many thanks for your continued support. We look forward to working with KCOM in the future.”
The Peel Project
We've donated £1000 to the Peel Project to help finance repairs to their premises and set up a clothing bank. The Peel Project was set up to provide support services to the Hull community with an emphasis on BAME (Black, Asian & Minority Ethnicities). Activities relate to mental health, physical health and fitness, social care, crime prevention, career support and building communities.
Jamal Choudhury from The Peel project said: “We’re pleased KCOM has been able to support our work. It feels fitting that a local organisation has been able to cover the funding of setting up a clothing bank and carrying out vital repairs to premises which are helping make a difference to local residents, including children and young people.”
For more details and how to apply for a KCOM Community Grant click here