What's it like to work at KCOM?

Here we take a peek into the average day of one of our KCOM colleagues. This week it's Amy, part of our customer service team.
Name: Amy
Job title: Senior Proactive Advisor, KCOM Customer service team
How long have you been at KCOM? Six years
Tell us a bit about yourself?
I’m Amy Osborne, I am originally from Grimsby however I moved across to Hull eight years ago - so keep the fish jokes to a minimum please.
I first started working within the Customer Service Team and then I moved into Inbound Sales. After a while within that department I decided to stretch my wings and work under the ‘Pro-Team’ which was a really innovative team at the time dealing with customers experiencing Wi-Fi and connectivity problems.
I then moved into our Full Fibre Expansion Team in 2020, dealing with customers in the new areas we’re expanding to. Finally, in October 2021 I took the exciting opportunity to become a Senior on the Proactive Team, dealing with and helping customers resolve any issues they have and I’m loving every moment. So, it’s fair to say I’ve experienced a wide range of roles at KCOM.
Describe your average day
A standard day in my current role is reviewing customer SMS surveys to identify the root causes of any issues they may be having. From there I look at implementing processes to help improve the customer journey. I’m also currently implementing a rollout for a new large bill process which will help reach a larger number of customers who receive higher invoices. This enables us to identify the reason why some bills are higher and to recommend changes and identify improvements that can be made. It’s all about improving our customers’ experience and making it as painless as possible.
What do you enjoy about working at KCOM?
I enjoy that every day is different and there’s always new projects to be involved in. I love the team and department that I work with and I’ve found that the people I work with are like a second family to me – not just work colleagues. I think that’s a feeling that’s common across KCOM because we are a local company and we’re all part of the same community.
What part of your role do you enjoy most?
I enjoy being a part of new processes and changes that both help my colleagues but also provides the best possible experience to our customers that we can give them. Being able to work collaboratively with a wide range of different departments and people to achieve the end goal of customer satisfaction is something I thoroughly enjoy and gain a lot of satisfaction from.
What have the past two years been like working through the pandemic?
I’ve found the support from KCOM both on a personal and work level amazing, especially how the company has adapted to uncertain times.
What do you want to achieve in the year ahead at work?
I want to help implement further changes which will bring positive experiences to our customers and hopefully build a few more relationships with people within this great company.
Tell us an interesting fact about yourself:
I once swam five miles in a pool in one go for Help for Heroes charity and raised £1,000, which I’m very proud of – but I’m not sure I could do it now though!
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